fredag 2. mai 2008

Not enough for forests

Norwegian Government: FSC – certification scheme not good enough 


Illegal logging and trade with illegal forest resources is one of the most con- 

cerning topics in the agenda of political institutions. Yet because of missing 

results and succuss in planned and executed missions in the rainforest, the 

Norwegian Government now stops the use of any kind of tropical forest 

products in public buildings. This conclusion is justified by the assumption, 

that any forest certification scheme is able to assure sustainable logging in 

tropical forests in the near future, not even FSC. The Norwegian consumer 

Ombudsman blamed the certification scheme after an investigation of a 

FSC – mix product that their labels were “misleading” and illegal. With this 

embargo Norway takes a pioneer part in the international community and 

hopes that some EU states will follow. 

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